Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chin up

Last month did not turn out to be a big fat positive. I learned some valuable lessons though...

1. Pregnancy tests with blue lines have a VERY HIGH rate of false positives.

2. Watching your temperatures is good for only the first half of your cycle, beyond that, its pointless and stressful.

3. It doesn't really matter when our wonderful happens.

I am actually glad the first month is out of the way, sure I wish that we only had to go through the agony once, but it is much less stressful this time. Hopefully less stress means more success!! Back to waiting.....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A big fat..........MAYBE????

The waiting game for the BIG FAT POSITIVE is excruciating. Truly excruciating. Some girls have said that the 2 week wait gets a little less nerve wracking after you experience it a few times, but I would love it if I only have to go through it this once :) :)

It is interesting though that everything you feel you attribute it to being pregnant...even if you know it is WAY to early for something to happen. From every little twinge, cramp, feelings of nausea or even a runny nose make you think that you are experiencing that because you are pregnant.

Speaking of pregnant.....I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I did pee on a stick this afternoon and got a very faint blue line. Some say that the tests with a blue line are not reliable and often give a false positive, so I am trying to patiently wait a few more days. The digital one that I took this morning said negative, but they are also not very sensitive and I am still 5 days away from my scheduled visit from Aunt Flow.

For now though, I'll keep my fingers crossed!!!