Saturday, January 29, 2011

Talking to myself

Ever seen someone in a car talking with no one else in the car and chuckled a little bit at the crazy person talking to themself?  Well most likely that person either has a hands free cell phone, or theres a little person somewhere in the car.  I am totally that person.

I talk to Jonah all the time.  We talk about the cars on the road, to what I'm going to eat for lunch that day.  As we are strolling through the grocery store, I ask him to help me choose certain items to buy.

As we were walking through Stony Point Mall today, I was just chatting along with him and realized that I must have looked pretty silly, but then quickly decided that I simply didn't care.  I love talking to Jonah and he seems to love listening...and occaisionally talking back :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let's Eat!

Having been someone who has struggled with weight all of her life, it has always been very important to me to ensure that my children do not go through that same struggle.

Jonah is going to be a challenge!  He Loves to Eat!  Now obviously I am the one offering him stuff, but I feel that I should let him try things rather than withhold them from him in fear of him being overweight later. It's all in moderation right? But here is a list of things he has tried, some he loved and some he hated.

Cheese puffs
Reese Peanut butter cup
Steak (I just let him suck on it)
French Fries
Apple slice
Macaroni and Cheese
And of course all the baby purees and puffs

I guess he gets his love of food from his mama.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

7 month tid bits

My little man is growing and learning so much these days!  I love watching him explore his environment and watch his Mama and Daddy try and teach him new things.  He is so inquisitive and curious about everything.

What he's doing these days:

Trying to crawl!  He gets up on all fours and rocks back and fourth.  You can see it in his face that he wants to take off and go so bad but his little body just won't go where he wants it to.  Jonah and his Daddy practice crawling every night though.  I'm sure we will regret pushing him to be mobile when he is getting into everything!

Playing with toys with a purpose.  Though most of his toys are rattles and the like, things that taste great but don't have much functionality, Jonah does have some that tickle his brain.  One in particular is that classic toy with the curvy wires and little trinkets that you slide through a winding maze of colored metal.  I love watching him trying to figure out how to slide the toys.  He mostly just spins them on the wire, but he is trying :)

Rolling around everywhere.  I leave the room for a second and when I come back he is several feet from where I left him.

Taking Baths in the big boy tub!  He is just too big now for the little blue tub.  He seems to like the change and still splashes like its his job.

Blowing raspberries.  C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-L-Y.  Truly its all day.  He is so proud of his raspberry blowing capabilities.  Funny thing is that he figured how to blow raspberries months ago, but in the last three weeks ago its as if he rediscovered some awesome new skill.

Dancing!  Give em' a beat and he'll shake his feet!  As soon as the music starts he starts shaking his leg and bobbing his body. 

Eating all kinds of yummy things.  I let him taste a lot of what we are eating.  Whether its putting some sauce on my finger, or giving him a small piece of noodle.  He gets to try a lot.  Some of his faves are cheetohs and cheese puffs. Oh and let's not forget the hershey chocolate bar!

Babbling.  Lots of goos and gahs.  An occaisional da da da.   No ma's or la's just yet.

What he Loves:

He still loves the same style binkie that he enjoyed as a newborn.  Thankfully he uses it mostly when he is tired or ready for bed.  Hopefully when we transition him to using it only for naps and bedtime at 1 year he will do ok.

His yellow bear and his Hokie.  He rubs them on his face as he is drifting off to sleep at night.

His feet.  Though poor guy got blessed with short little legs and he can just barely get those suckers in his mouth.

All of his toys.  He tends to go for his keys, his barbell rattle, his winnie the pooh rattle, his soft book, his turtle rattle and his singing puppy dog that his Grandma and PawPaw gave him.

Having his back scratched.  I stumbled upon this by accident, but he always seems to get real still and peaceful when I scratch his back.

Sesame Street.  As soon as the theme song comes on, he eyes dart towards the screen.  He seems to love Elmo too.

It's been an exciting month and I can't wait to see what he learns in the next month!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank goodness that's over...

Once your darling little sweet pea let's you experience the freedom and pure bliss of sleeping through the night, it is cold blooded torture when something comes along and takes that from you.  Most recently my freedom was taken by my sweet boy's first ear infection.  For nearly three weeks, and three rounds of antibiotics, he was waking up for AN HOUR in the middle of the night.  We take our last dose of medicine tomorrow morning and we are three days into back to wonderfully sleeping through the night.  I could not be happier.  And most importantly, he's happier :). 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A year of firsts...

First Christmas (and a white one at that!):

Jonah woke up at his usual time, around 6 and ate just like every other day.  We decided that Derek and I would open our gifts first, then we would let Jonah open his.  Of course, Jonah had to help daddy open his gifts...the paper was delicious!

And the ribbons were his favorite.
Jonah didn't care much about the snow that showed up Christmas Day...but it was still beautiful.

First Ear Infection :(

So much for Breastfeeding preventing ear infections.  Poor guy hadn't been sleeping well the week before Christmas, but I chaulked it up to him possibly teething since he acted fine during the day.  Two days prior to the holiday he was refusing to nurse, so I brought my light home and checked his ears.  Bingo, that was his problem.  Unfortunately we went through our first round of antibiotics, and it didn't work, so we are on our second round.  Cross your fingers!

First New Years:

Completely uneventful.  Jonah was in bed by 8 and Mama and Daddy were in bed by 10.  Good thing 2011 didn't care that we were sleeping and still showed up.  I am excited for 2011 and all of the new milestones and learning adventures that it will bring for my little man.