Sunday, October 16, 2011

The countdown is over...Jonah is ONE!!!

***I wrote this on his 1 year birthday, and remember falling asleep towards the end, saved it as a draft and well I am just getting around to posting it. 

A year ago today our lives changed forever, and we wouldn't change one second of the past year.  We are so blessed to have that sweet boy as our own.  He is so smart and bright and curious.  He wants to learn everything and is so proud of himself when he finally gets it.

His smile brightens my day everytime I come home.  No matter how hard of a day I have had, or how much traffic I drove through to get home, seeing his smile the moment I get home melts everything else away. 

It's amazing the things he does now on his own without needing our help.  He grows more and more independent everyday. 

What he's doing these days....

***WALKING.  That's right ladies and gentlemen, he is a walking toddler.  Took his first steps about two weeks ago and has just progressed from there.

***Stacking blocks.  Way to be advanced little boy!  Stacking 2 blocks is typically a 15 month thing and is pretty progressive in the realm of fine motor development.  The older toddler at his sitters helps teach him the ways of the world.

***Climbing stairs.  Like he has been doing it for years.

***Only getting the pacifier for car rides and sleeping.

What he loves:

*** His wooden blocks, he prefers the cylinders.

***The wiggles, and Mama loves them too, they make great babysitters.

***Food.  His favorites are: Mandarins, Peaches, Pears, Green beans, Carrots, Apples, Strawberries, Shredded Cheese and Veggie Straws for snack.

***Books.  He loves a children's picture dictionary, and his "Little Hands Love" and "Little Feet Love." 

***Trucks and cars.  Though not his favorite things to play with, he does enjoy pushing them around on the floor. 

***Animals.  This kid might just grow up and be a veterinarian.

*** Still loves his music table.

***Balls, Loves to throw them.

Jonah had His birthday party at a local Park in Henrico.  Of course Mama and Daddy were there, along with Papa B, Uncle Shawn, Uncle Grimace, Chase, Auntie Erin, Grandma and PawPaw, Chickie, Chansila, Jae, Leila and Jaedin, Casey, Michael and Emma, and of course May May.  Jonah had fun running around and playing with the ball.  There were some geese there that definately had his attention, however, they were so used to getting food from humans that they went in search of it by means of pecking at the hands of those near by (including Jonah's, no worries, they didn't get him).  There were tons of gifts and great food.  His party and cake were all Sesame Street themed and Jonah was all decked out in his Sesame Street shirt and Elmo Hat.  I think Jonah would agree that he had the best first birthday ever!