Thursday, August 27, 2009

Progesterone Poisoning

Who knows if that is really what it was or just a result of the crazy indigestion that I have had going on for the past three days, but this morning as I was getting ready I had this overwhelming sense of nausea. It came on like a ton of bricks, had me contemplating running to the bathroom for about three seconds, then it vanished as quickly as it arrived. I won't make too much speculation about it, but I'll just say that it was weird for sure.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I just completed my five days of taking a fertility enhancer and to my surprise, I have not had any side effects. I thought for sure I would become victim of the hot flashes or mood swings...but so far so good. One thing that I have noticed is that my temperature has been on the higher side of my normal for the past five days without much fluctuation. Wonder if this is due to the medication or it's just because? Who knows. I am glad that at least for now I don't have to take anything other than a multivitamin, I had a small case of juvenile Alzheimer's and contemplated a pill box. I couldn't remember what pills I had taken and not taken. They say pregnancy makes your forgetful, maybe I'm just preparing for it! Yep that definitely sounds better than juvenile Alzheimer's!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let's get this show boat on the river!!

I am so incredibly excited to begin my journey into the unknown of becoming a parent. First I suppose, we should make a little bundle of joy, which we are hoping will happen this month. We were married 6 months ago, on Valentine's Day and it was always our plan to start trying in August. So here we are.

Now, I had to have a few kinks in the system worked out before we could officially start trying. In an interest of sparing you the details, I'll simply state that I start a "fertility enhancer" tomorrow and I have an endocrine appointment at the end of the month. So hopefully the moon will be full and the special sauce will be in the water! Wish us luck!