Monday, October 25, 2010

Jonah's first cold :(

I figured that sooner or later he was going to latch on to one of the many germs that I bring home.  I also figured, that even though he is such a laid back baby that when he did get sick he would respond like his daddy does to illness and have a complete melt down. I was right. 

It started Friday night, I heard a few coughs when he was laying down, nothing major and he wasn't bothered by it.  I figured he was either catching a cold or his reflux was acting up so I gave him some Pepcid.  He woke up once Friday night, a little fussy but able to go back to bed.  A few coughs Saturday morning had me thinking it was a cold coming on.  Saturday night the poor guy woke up around midnight with a super stuffy nose and coughing.  I had to break out the bulb syringe, to which my four month old bug quickly informed me was a form of torture.  He thought he was dying.  I was confident that he was not so I proceded to get the slime out of his nose.  A few squeezes on the bulb syringe, and a dose of tylenol later his sweet little nose once again was clear and back to sleep he went until the morning. 

Since I have only had to vaccuum his nose once or twice, and the cough has disappeared.  Though he is intermittently irritable for no apparent reason, and he is prefering the bottle to nursing, I am hopeful that we are on the upswing of things!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

4 Month Favorites

I cannot believe my sweet boy is four months old.  It's hard to imagine that 1/3 of his first year is over.  He is getting so big and so smart.  I love watching him learn new things every day. 

He is interacting with us so much more and his face just lights up when he sees us which warms my heart.

Special things about my boy at four months old:

**He is back to sleeping through the night, we had a rough month when I went back to work, but we figured out that he wasn't getting enough to eat during the day.  Once we fixed that he figured out he did not need to eat at night time.

** He loves to watch the Disney Channel in the mornings while I get ready.  He squeals and coos at the TV.  His favorites are Timmy Time, Agent OSO, and Handy Manny.  At day care he loves to watch Sesame Street, which was one of my favorites as a child too!

** We started cereal, and so far he loves it.  We decided to start cereal early because due to him not getting enough to eat during the day, he dropped weight percentiles at his four month check up.  Though based on his recent weight on my scale, we have him back where he is supposed to be!

** He loves to chew and play with his hands.  They have become his favorite companions.

** Jonah likes to grasp objects and bring them to his mouth to further explore them.  So far he enjoys his Sophie the Giraffe (a squeak toy that I paid WAY TOO MUCH for), his keys, and a rattle.

** Jonah Bug LOVES LOVES LOVES to just play on the floor in front of the TV.  You can hear him squealing and cooing all through the house.  Now he is rolling both ways, soon it will be impossible to keep track of him!

** He still prefers to sleep on his side

** He is enjoying listening to us read to him.  He often gets excited and starts kicking his feet throughout the story.  I love to read him Dr. Seuss books, I think the rhyming words help his brain grow :)

** Jonah loves to stand on your lap.  He is so proud of himself and grins the whole time.

** Bath time is still a good time.  He loves to splash and kick in the water.

** He still loves to be outside.

** He looks more like Derek now.

** He loves to be patted on the back, bottom or leg before going to sleep.

** Jonah still loves to be rocked, though he doesn't hang out in his swing as much as he did when he was new.

** His eyes are still blue.  I'm hoping they stay that way.