Friday, September 17, 2010

3 Month Tidbits

My sweet little guy is a quarter of a year old!  It is so amazing to watch him grow and learn :)

Here are some little tidbits about my best guy at three months old:

**He is sleeping soundly through the night

** He is finding his voice more and more each day.  He coos and squeals a lot and occaisionally tries to laugh but it just ends up turning into a cough.  I can't wait for him to figure it out!

** He started rolling from his tummy to his back about two weeks ago

**  I made him a virginia tech blankie that he loves.  It tends to soothe him when he is being fussy.

**  He loves the smell of chocolate (always gets a big smile on his face when mama lets him smell some chocolate

**  Bathtime is a blast and he loves to splash!

**  He loves to watch TV, especially football.  A man after his daddy's heart.

**  I went back to work two weeks ago and Jonah goes to a sitter.  So far we love her, I don't love being away from him but I feel good about leaving him with her all day.

** He is very interested in his hands.  Loves to eat them mostly but occaisionally just sits and plays with them

**  He tends to have a fussy/screaming period in the evenings....we are still learning how to get him to calm down

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Busy Baby

Jonah has had a very busy weekend so far.  First while playing with daddy on the floor yesterday, he rolled front to back twice, then repeated it again three times today for good measure.  Before I know it he will be rolling in order to get from point A to point B.

Secondly, after weeks and weeks of chasing his little thumbs, he finally snagged it in his mouth.  The poor guy has been licking his thumbs and his fists for so long, it's sort of bitter sweet that he has finally found his thumb.  Bitter because I dread the dental bills and procedures that "may" be needed in order to correct his precious little smile later on.  And Sweet for two reasons...1) it's super cute when he sits watching TV sucking on his little thumb, and 2) because he slept until 8am this morning all because he was sucking on his thumb (and the thumb is much easier to find over a pacifier when he spits it out and it rolls under the couch). 

Tomorrow will be another busy day as we plan to take Jonah to his first (of many) trip to Maymont to enjoy the beautiful weather.  Can't wait!