Monday, November 22, 2010

5 month zipidy do das...

Jonah is so much fun these days.  He loves to laugh and squeal and have a jolly good time.  It is so neat to see his personality develop.  He is growing so much every day and I love watching him learn. Here is what is going on in Jonah's little life these days....

**He rolls all over the place

**He loves to sleep on his tummy with a warm fuzzy blanket on top of him.  And you can never forget his "Hokie" which he loves to rub against his face as he is falling asleep.

**He has started eating solids in an effort to get some extra "muscle" on him since he spits up SO much its hard to keep weight on him.  So far he loves sweet potatos and peas the most.  He loves them all really, though carrots are not his favorite.

**He loves when I sing "You are my sunshine." It never fails that I can always calm him down with that.

** He still loves to watch TV.  Football and Sesame Street are his favorites.

**Jonah gets the BIGGEST, CHEESIEST grin when he sees one of us for the first time that day.  This completely melts my heart.  I love that he is learning who is who.

**Jonah's favorite toys are his "crunchie," his Pooh rattle, his barbell rattle and of course he still love his keys.  Most recently he loves chewing on one of my rubber spatulas.

**Recently in the bathtub he discovered his, eh hem, penis.  It apparently is a gender instinct to constantly make sure it didn't wander away.

**He also discovered his feet recently too.  He can just barely reach them...poor little short arms and legs.  I don't think he will be bringing those toes to his mouth any time soon.

** He still loves to rock in the rocking chair.

** His favorite books are anything Dr. Seuss.