Friday, July 30, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Yesterday Jonah turned 6 weeks old.  It so amazing to think that 6 weeks ago we were welcoming this precious boy into our family.  I am treasuring every moment with my little man as I am nearing my time when maternity leave will be over and I will have to return to the working world.  Though I am not sure that a stay at home mom gig is in my future, I will say that I cannot imagine working full time forever now that I am a mom. 

Jonah continues to grow quite well and at his one month checkup weight 10lbs 4 oz, up from his 8 lbs 1 oz at birth. We have moved away from most of his newborn sized clothes and are in 0-3 months and 3 months  He is very alert and has begun to interact with us.  While we have gotten smiles from him since birth, we began true purposeful smiles about two weeks ago when he was about a month old.  Jonah continues to love his pacifier, but he only wants it when its convenient for him.  In addition to loving his pacifier, Jonah loves to eat.  We have actually had to gently "regulate" his intake as he seems to think its Thanksgiving every day and that he can eat the entire turkey all by himself...6 times a day.  His eating adventures have brought us into the realm of reflux...which is definately aggravated by his over eating. 

On a much sleepier the last six days he has slept through the night three times.  Though I knew that he was fine, that first night I think I woke up more confused than concerned.  At first I couldnt figure out if the clocks were right, or if he screamed his head off in dire hunger and I just hadn't heard him.  Nope, he was just snoozing :)  I am definately not one to pass up sleep so I am surely appreciating the solid hours of snoozing!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!

To our COMPLETE surprise, we welcomed sweet baby boy Jonah Lewis Cannon into the world on June 16, at 10:08 am.  Jonah weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long.

It has been a very busy 2 and a half weeks, hence the reason there hasn't been any posts announcing his arrival.  We spent 4 days in the hospital after Jonah was born via cesarean for being breech, and then we had family with us for about a week after we were home. 

We are starting to adjust to the life of having a newborn and the every three hour feeds that come with it :)  We are breastfeeding and bottle feeding as breastfeeding came with some unexpected challenges which we are slowly but surely overcoming.  Jonah had some weight gain issues in the beginning which have since resolved.

A little about Jonah....

He is a blondie :) and has a widow's peak which we think he got from his daddy before he lost all of his hair :)

We couldn't have been blessed with a sweeter, more laid back baby.  We typically do not hear a peep out of him unless he is hungry, has a yucky diaper, or unless we are changing him (he is still in the stage of hating being naked).

Jonah can sleep through front row seats at a Metalica concert.  He gets that from his mama, but that boy sure can sleep through just about anything.  He was like that in my tummy too, which is what got us admitted to the hospital one day for 24 hour observation on the heart rate monitor.

He likes to do EVERYTHING on his side.  Sleeping, eating, sitting in the bouncy seat, and even when we change him.  He did sit sideways in my tummy for nine months which is probably why he enjoys this position so much. 

Our nickname for him is Jonah Bug.

His bottom half is extremely noisy....sort of earth quakes in his little britches...something else he gets from his mama ;)  The flip side is that he is not a great burper, and will only do so about 40% of the time.

He loves his soothie pacifier, but only when the time is right.

Jonah HATES the buckling in process of getting his car seat, but once he is buckled in, it is lights out and he is completely asleep until you take him out.

Derek thinks he looks like the creatures from "I am Legend" when he cries.  He kinda does.

Jonah loves to sprawl out on his daddy's tummy while they hang out on the couch together.

50% of the cats love him, and 50% well, could do without him.  Willow loves Jonah, and has since become a much more loving cat since we brought Jonah home.  Audrey on the other hand has not handled Jonah's arrival so well.  Initially she hissed at him whenever she saw him, which has been gradually decreasing, but none the less we have to keep a close eye on her.

And he loves to listen to you talk to him.  I can't wait to start reading him stories!