Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The aches and pains...I mean joys of growing a human.

So this is the end of my sleep I suppose.  Atleast for the next 18 years is what I hear.  I have been trying to get comfortable with sleeping for weeks with no luck.  When I wake up (every hour to either flip or pee) my hips feel like someone took a sledge hammer to them.  If I didn't know any better, I'd start worrying about a pressure ulcer.  Due to my impressive bump (which currently measures 11 weeks ahead!!) it is impossible for me to sleep in any other position than directly on my sides or on my back.  And I really only prefer one side, but have to turn because of the pain. 

My other dilemma is this pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  Apparently all of the extra fluid floating around in pregnancy puts added pressure in the small area of the wrist called the carpal tunnel, and this causes numbness and tingling in the hand, wrist, and arm.  Fortunately, I don't experience this irritating sensation of pins and needles/numbness all day.  It is only when I am in a sitting position and when I sleep.  And it is only three fingers on my right hand.  You'd be surprised how disturbing it is to your sleep to wake up to a numb hand....all night long.  I used to be able to get it so subside in different positions, but recently that is no longer helpful.  However....I have potentially found a resolution.  Many years ago I had surgery on my left wrist and was given a splint.  Last night I got the bright idea to put the splint on my right hand.  Al beit it fit a little awkwardly since it was made for the opposite hand, it gave me some much needed relief.  I only had one very minor episode of numbness the whole night. 

Now if I can just figure out how to make my side of the bed a water bed to ease my hip pain.......

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