Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pregnancy symptoms 101

Now that I have documented my journey through trying to conceive, its time to move the train to the next station.... PREGNANCY! It was so fun to tell my closest friends of our great news! Some screamed with joy, some still groggy from my early morning phone call, but all with big supportive "Congratulations!" for the parents to be.

I am currently somewhere between 3 and 4 weeks pregnant so we will still be waiting a little while before we shout it from the mountain tops for all to know. Its funny how as soon as you see that little line, amongst all of the nervousness, joy, and excitement comes worry too. I suppose that worry never goes away as long as you are a parent, but it sure does start immediately. There are so many risks and things that can happen during pregnancy that your mind becomes a whirlwind of "what ifs." I am pretty sure many a women have gone completely insane during pregnancy for this exact reason. One of the first things I worried about is whether it will be a sticky bean. You hear so many stories of early losses that you can't help but wonder "Is that going to be me?" There is no way of knowing, which is probably for the better, but also cause for most of the insanity.

Other than the tornado of emotions, I haven't had feelings of much else. Lots of gas, a little queesy yesterday, and a raging sore throat this morning (which some would speculate whether its truly an early symptom of pregnancy, but lots of women have experienced it). From time to time I have had some mild cramping, but with all this extra air in my body right now, its hard to tell which is which.

None the less, we are super excited and very blessed that it only took two months. Some women struggle with infertility for years, which must bring on more heartache and disappointment than I can even fathom. Now hopefully this bean stays put!!! Stay stuck bean, we already love you!

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